SalesTable2Line custom field update prompt on Sales order in AX 2012
Dynamics AX has standard functionality to show a prompt for any common fields on Sales Header & Lines are being updated on header.
This prompt is based on the setup done on the AR Parameters form -> Updates -> Update order lines button
If we want to have our custom field to behave in same manner, then we need to do following steps.
1. Create your new field on the SalesTable & SalesLine tables. Here for I am going to use field as "AS_TitleTransfer"
2. Add the AS_TitleTransfer field to SalesTable field group HeaderToLineUpdate.
3. Add the new field on the Header & Lines section on SalesTable form like on General Tab.
4. In the AxSalesTable class add parm & set methods for new field.
public <<your EDT>> parmAS_TitleTransfer(<<your EDT>> _Id = '')
if (!prmisDefault(_Id))
this.setField(fieldNum(SalesTable, AS_TitleTransfer), _Id);
return salesTable.AS_TitleTransfer;
protected void setAS_TitleTransfer()
if (this.isMethodExecuted(funcName(), fieldNum(SalesTable, AS_TitleTransfer)))
In the SetTableFields method add the below mentioned line of code.
5. Similarly write the parm & set methods for AxSalesLine class. Here we need to tweak set method here.
public <<your EDT>> parmAS_TitleTransfer(<<your EDT>> _id = '')
if (!prmisDefault(_id))
this.setField(fieldNum(SalesLine, AS_TitleTransfer), _id);
return SalesLine.AS_TitleTransfer;
protected void setAS_TitleTransfer()
if (this.isMethodExecuted(funcName(), fieldNum(SalesLine, AS_TitleTransfer)))
if (this.isAxSalesTableFieldsSet() || this.axSalesTable().isFieldModified(fieldNum(SalesTable, AS_TitleTransfer)))
In the SetTableFields method add the below mentioned line of code.
6. In the SalesTable2LineField class modify the method lineUpdateDescription with following code
case fieldNum(SalesTable, AS_TitleTransfer) :
return fieldid2pname(tablenum(SalesLine), fieldnum(SalesLine, AS_TitleTransfer));
7. Compile & compile forward as modified classes & do the incremental CIL. Clear the usage data so that new field should appear in the AR Parameters form -> Updates -> Update order lines form.
8. You can test your changes in the Sales Order form now by entering the date on header & click on line view to get prompt.
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